Remembering The Lost Art of Smudging

Before we can account with a document of man's time...

Native people of the Americas' in their rich spirituality, knew what to do to move the spirit world in ways that would alter and have effect in the physical realm.

One of the practices that would be performed at ceremonies and rituals was smudging. 

Smudging was an act done to remove negativity or to bless and make holy a person, place or thing done before a healing would be done. Energy it was believed could be imprinted on people, places and things via negative intention, thoughts or emotion. When left unchecked & unbalanced this energy becomes destructive and manifests outwardly as bad luck, illness, disease and any number of "misfortunes".

Similar to how we today use incense, to make fragrant a place or set a mood, native people were utilizing plants also for their aromatic and "essence" properties long before the Citgo 3/$1.

These ancient practices centered around rich beliefs in the smoke caused by intentional fire (Will and Spirit)

Physically during a smudge, fire is lifting the spiritual plant essences, via the smoke to the realm of spirit.  This is said to lift prayers to their highest point, sending them and your intentions to the ancestors and gods. A direct connection with the divine.

Diviners would interpret messages in the bellow of it. The way the smoke would dance and spiral up would give indication of the present energies around the shaman. Wisdom forgotten.

Traditionally herbs and resins would be burned in bowls or bundled together and wrapped in twine. There seems to be much wisdom, however lost behind the plants that were chosen for these sacred purposes. Each outside of their subtle spiritual energy (power) have medicinal and therapeutic  properties that were combined to work in synergy to bring about that which be desired and heal the community at large.

Below are the most common elements of the plant world used in the Smudging rituals of the Native Americans.

SAGE (Artemisia tridentia) is surely the most familiar. The smell of white sage is said to be repulsive to negative astral beings and entities.  Used to cleanse the spirit of a person or the essence of a thing it drives away negative thoughts and feelings. This cleansing power manifest physically as it is believed to kill certain air-borne pathogens and reduce contamination risks. When inhaled or ingested it is good for treating cough and expelling mucus in the throat and lungs.

Western Red CEDAR (Thuja occidentalis) and California Incense CEDAR (Libocedrus descurrens) was also used to dispel negative energy but also would be burned to impart protection. This was often used in meditation to the Great Spirit and would bring on positive energies.

PALO SANTO  (Bursera graveolens) is a sweet smelling wood also used to purify and make clean the spirit of a thing. The smoke of this "holy wood" is not only calming and relaxing serving as an antidepressant but like sage and cedar succeed in expelling negativity far from you. 

SWEETGRASS   (Hierochloe odorata) was often used to follow up behind a sage or cedar smudge to bring in good influences once negative energies had been expelled. The braid of sweetgrass would also serve being worn or carried on the person. The aroma is sweet to all orders of energetic being and therefore should never be burned before expelling  negative as it will be an attractant for even those lesser forces. 

Because smudging is about manipulating subtle spiritual forces to impact the physical world, often the five elementals of the physical world are symbolized during the ceremony or ritual.

 Tools that are often used when smudging 

There are tools often used to amplify your intentions and glorify the spirit. Smudging feathers or wands move the air element and helps to usher the smoke towards that which you desire to cleans.

Smudging bowls are used to hold loose and chipped herbs while they burn. Often mussel shell bowls of abalone shell are used and this brings with it our connection to the water and emotional element.

Flowers, stones and crystals, along with other symbolic or special findings from nature, serve as tools to offer or help with focusing your intentions and bring in elements of the stable earth.

An element of fire is essential to light the herbs and move forward with your burning will.
The smoke sings odes to the ethers.

The universe awaits its new program from your intention and will to demand of spirit.

Let's fight a good fight from the back end highly spirited ones!

#Smudgetheworld #ancientfuture #MotherEarthHealing #Restoration #Renewal #Resurgence #Revitalize #RETURN #RIGHTEOUSNESS
